LEKTRI.CO is a start-up specializing in EV charging solutions

Our company was founded in 2017 by a small team of like-minded individuals who all share a passion for sustainability and green energy.

Our vision

We're a company, yes. But we're also people. And we believe the world is full of people who have a desire to do good. That's why we started LEKTRI.CO - to give you the means to do just that. We are devoted to minimizing our carbon footprint by combining our charging solutions with photovoltaic systems since we believe in sustainability and green energy.
We launched LEKTRI.CO to help electric mobility and charging infrastructure grow in popularity. We provide EV chargers, but our goal goes beyond technology, and we want to grow consumers' confidence about purchasing electric vehicles.
By providing innovative charging solutions for their customers and tenants, we hope to assist company owners in expanding their offerings in hospitality, retail, real estate, and beyond.

Our mission

Our goal is to make electric cars more common by making it easier to find a charging station and to make charging easier. As a company, we want to develop smart EV chargers so that you don't have to spend too much time looking for the ideal charging settings or the best time to charge.
And this isn't just about us: it's about you, too! Your experience with electric mobility is at the center of everything we do. Because at the end of the day, we believe in freedom. Freedom from gas pumps and independence from oil. Freedom to drive where you want, when you want, without worrying about running out of "fuel," emission-free.

Claudiu Suma


A word from our CEO

We aim to make your life easier by helping control your charger remotely

We set out to develop the best looking and the most affordable EV chargers for residential and commercial usage. Our wallboxes are integrated with home (& commercial building) energy management systems, with the long-term goal of integrating them into peer-to-peer energy exchange communities.

With plug and forget we aim to improve and simplify the experience of electric charging. Our device will know how much electricity you still have in your car and when it is better to charge either from your own solar production or by taking advantage of the lowest tariff.

Our team is also focused on EV charging solutions that can intelligently use the limited power available in existing buildings. We believe that using the existing grid we can charge more than 40% of all existing vehicles if they are being electrified.


The 1P7K, our newly developed one-phase charger, went into mass production.


LEKTRI.CLOUD, our payment and charging session management platform, went live.

June 2019

We displayed our newest charging station designed by EOOS at the Vienna Biennale @MAK Museum

June 2019
October 2019

We opened Romania's largest charging plaza at the time with 6 charging stations, 2x50 kW fast chargers, and 4xType 2.

October 2019

The first generation of AC chargers was introduced—the 22 kW JOY and the 43 kW AVA.


We switched from ICE to EV and realized the need for destination charging so we began to research


Let's charge it up

If we work together we can help electric vehicles become mainstream!






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CIVITRONIC S.R.L. CUI: RO14345794 Nr.reg: J35/1445/2001
1P7K and AVA/JOY Chargers designed by EOOS
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